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Unique Penis Toys You Need to Try - Naughty North Expert Picks

Posted by Carolyn Eagle on

Unique Penis Toys You Need to Try - Naughty North Expert Picks

One in four Canadians with a penis masturbate every single day, so at Naughty North we understand the desire to try something new and shake up the same old five finger shuffle routine once in a while. So, if you’re up for something new, read on and discover what we at Naughty North think could be your new best friend

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Quickie Clitoral Orgasms: Our Top Picks to Supercharge Your Solo Session

Posted by Tracy Eagle on

Quickie Clitoral Orgasms: Our Top Picks to Supercharge Your Solo Session

We’ve often heard that regular orgasms and an active sex life bring all kinds of health benefits, but sometimes we just don’t have the time, energy, or even partner to make pleasure a priority. Heck, with so many of us still working from home, privacy has even become more of an issue. What can you do if you only have a few minutes to focus on feeling good? Well, statistics show that 36% of vulva owners achieve orgasm faster by direct clitoral stimulation. Stands to reason when the clitoris has 8,000 nerve endings! So, if you're in the mood without...

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Top 5 Sexiest Canadian Cities During Self-Isolation

Posted by Carolyn Eagle on

Top 5 Sexiest Canadian Cities During Self-Isolation

Canadians saw the world turned upside down in March and we all learned a whole new way to live. Working from home took on a whole new meaning and the new national pastimes became bread baking, toilet paper hoarding, and watching Trudeau’s hair grow. As stores closed down, online shopping soared and we at Naughty North got a front row seat to how you were all keeping yourselves occupied during self-isolation. One year later, with vaccines rolling out and a slow return to a new normal, we thought we would take a peek at which cities were using the time...

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The Complete Vibrator Buying Guide (for Mind Blowing Orgasms)

Posted by Carolyn Eagle on

The Complete Vibrator Buying Guide (for Mind Blowing Orgasms)

Go back just thirty years ago and you'd be hard pressed to find more than a couple types of vibrators. Now there are different sizes, shapes, brands, materials... there are even vibrators which connect to your phone! Buying a vibrator is an important and intimate decision so we've put this guide together to help you pick the perfect one. It's a pretty quick read and shouldn't take more than a few minutes, so we recommend reading it right until the end. It'll help you pick the right vibrator to get those mind- blowing orgasms you deserve. This guide is broken...

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Naughty North's Top 20 Sex Toys of 2020 Chosen by YOU

Posted by Carolyn Eagle on

Naughty North's Top 20 Sex Toys of 2020 Chosen by YOU

The year 2020 was one that a lot of us may want to forget and we at Naughty North certainly thought twice about even writing a ‘best of’ list this year. What changed our minds? It was you, our customers. You came to us with questions about reconnecting with your partner in lockdown, or connecting long distance during a forced separation. Many of you were seeking sex toys for the first time as a way to find pleasure during uncertain times. 

We decided to give you this peek into which sex toys your fellow Canadians were buying in 2020 so you can see you weren’t alone. And maybe it will give you some fun ideas on how to start of 2021!

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